Product Designer, Author and Creative

Rendez-Vous: a Design Review that Could Help to Boost Monthly Revenue by $3 Million

How our “product ops” unit revealed the sales funnel bottlenecks in the fashion retailer’s mobile app.

Role Researcher
Team Product Analyst, Product Designer
Timeline Mar, 2023
Skills Product Analytics, UX Review, Competitor Analysis
Tools Amplitude


Rendez-Vous is a major offline clothing stores chain and a loyal client of the Surf studio.

Clients noticed a drop in Revenue and Growth Rate across the previous year and approached our studio with the task to find the reasons for such a decline and hypotheses for its correction.


I aimed to find the app’s UX problems and to correlate them with the analytics data.


I used Amplitude data to identify problems and bottlenecks.

Key Metrics

  • Conversion Rates on each sales funnel step.
  • Retention Rate.
  • Revenue.

Product analytics

The Amplitude’s data highlighted three main problems.

  1. A revenue declining among both platforms — iOS and Android.
  2. Abnormal drop on “add-to-cart” step (more than 50%).
  3. Abnormal drop on “checkout” step (more than 60%).

Design Review

Reading Users Reviews

I went to the reviews sections in App Store and Google Play to uncover user pains and problems.

Summarizing users’ feedback helped me to identify several pain points:

  • An overwhelming authorization screen with a password and captcha.
  • A poor filtering options on the search section.
  • A cluttered cart.
  • An annoying chat-bot.
  • Confusing UX of the buttons in the product card screen.

The user’s problems summary correlated with the analyst’s findings, allowing preliminary hypotheses to be formulated at this stage.

App UX Review

I went through the each app’s section from the onboarding to the payment, recreating all corner cases.

I made a lot of screenshots and recordings :)

Competitor Analysis

I installed the apps of the most popular fashion brands, retailers and other e-commerces. I was looking for the best practices in product card and ordering UX employed by competitors.


The misleading product curd design, hidden cart constraints, clunky UI and overwhelming authorization turned out to be the most crucial UX problems of the Rendez-Vous app. Improving these pain points could led to ~$3m in monthly revenue growth.

The Full list of issues revealed

In total, I identified and thoroughly detailed ~60 issues in Rendez-Vous’ mobile app UX.

Checkout and payment 31 issues
Cart 6 issues
Product card 8 issues
Catalogue and Search 9 issues
Home screen 4 issues
Onboarding 2 issues
Bugs and Errors 3 issues

Artifacts and outcomes

The client received a multi-page document detailing key app shortcomings, supported by analytics data, screenshots and competitors examples, along with our recommendations for potential remediation.